IT Services and Staffing Solutions

IT services to maximize efficiency and staffing to keep the operation moving forward.

Empower Your Company with Results-Driven Solutions



Think of us as problem-solvers. We put IT services to work as an essential part of your business. The first way is through staffing. We offer many practical and economical solutions, including virtual staffing, to help you fill your workforce with qualified candidates. The second way is through consulting. Let us work with you to enhance what you have in place and recommend solutions that are viable for you.

In-House Staffing

Trinity can provide a full suite of Human Capital Solutions tailored to fit any firm, from start-up to Fortune 500.

Virtual Staffing

 Make use of our global network operating 24/7. This way, you have staffing when you need it and at cost-effective pricing.


Our consultants work with you to turn technology services into your strongest suit. Let us introduce you to solutions that improve security, efficiency, and productivity.

Mission, Vision, & Values

Trinity IT Services seeks to establish trusted partnerships through client-centric technology solutions, and to treat each partnership as its only partnership through premier service and extraordinary deliverables.










Leadership Team

Ricky Caplin

Co-Founder and Chairman

Jarrod Germano

Chief Executive Officer

Joseph Butler

Co-Founder & Chief Sales Officer